The Past Week in Photos

This was the first of a series of light painting attempts. I particularily enjoyed this session because I think violins are beautiful. The shape is lovely and the colours can be so rich. The violin pictured here is mine. I used a 15sec shutter speed and a small hand-held led flashlight in a pitch-dark room. I moved the light around for the first 10 seconds and then held the flashlight over the subject like a spotlight for the last 5 seconds. If you want to try this at home, I'd suggest having someone count the seconds outloud so that you can budget your time. Also, in response to questions: No, I don't believe this works on a point-and-shoot digital camera. You need to be able to control the shutter speed.

Fun Fact: My maiden names was Leslie Fidler. I put up with years of cheesy introductions whenever I performed in public venues.

This is Evelyn. She attends the Friday night Jr. High drop-in that Joe and I run in Aurora. We had her over to bake christmas cookies with us. She's lovely! We had a great time joking and playing some video games and talking about how she was finding school. It also gave me the opporunity to take some delicious pictures.

If you want to get to know somebody, I suggest food. I'd also encourage you to get to know the young people in your life. They've got a lot of insight and can be so incredible. They just need somebody to listen.